513. Reporting for seven decades on the free speech frontier
Dan Rottenberg, author of The Education of a Journalist: My 70 Years on the Frontiers of Free Speech, tells It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell there’s always going to be a...
514. Soledad O’Brien and the ‘messy’ journey to good journalism
Soledad O'Brien discusses her career journey from an internship at WBZ-TV in Boston to becoming a correspondent at CNN and documentarian at HBO to launching the Everyday Wealth podcast and starting...
515. Do local newsrooms provide the best coverage of local schools?
Jesse Holcomb, an assistant professor in journalism and communication at Calvin University, discusses a recent study looking at how well local news outlets are covering education. He tells It's All...
516. Database proves vital source of pandemic news for Indigenous people
Jourdan Bennett-Begaye tells It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell how Indian Country Today built a database to help provide vital pandemic information to Indigenous communities across the country.
517. New York Sun publisher seeks to restore American journalism
Dovid Efune, publisher of The New York Sun, talks to It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell what's wrong with American journalism and how The Sun aims to restore trust in journalism and...
518. Student journalists take reporting beyond school boundaries
High school journalists Oliver Tam, Georgia Russello and Cristina Steffanizi talk to It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell about what they've learned working for the student-owned Pelham Examiner, which...
519. How Stranger’s Guide explores place-based journalism
Travel journalist Kira Brunner Don tells It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell how Stranger's Guide. explores the power of place-based journalism to break down stereotypes and foster global citizenship.
520. Ideas Lab helps realign Journal Sentinel for the 2020s
David Haynes is editor of the Ideas Lab, a solutions journalism effort at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He and It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell discuss how newsrooms have changed over...
521. Trusted Sources documentary examines decline of trust in news
Documentarian Don Colacino discusses "Trusted Sources," his in-depth look at the decline of trust in news and those working to restore it, with It's All Journalism host Michael O'Connell.
522. German native pursues journalism dream at Michigan TV station
Luisa Wiewgorra went from being a student dreaming about working for a radio station in her hometown in Germany to covering local stories as a television reporter for Fox...
523. Will Be Wild podcast explores lead up to Jan. 6 insurrection
Andrea Bernstein and Ilya Marritz had already explored the presidency of Donald Trump with their Trump, Inc. podcast for WNYC, but the events of Jan. 6, 2021 showed there...
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512: DMV Download podcast delivers daily doses of local news in DC
Megan Cloherty and Luke Garrett of DMV Download discuss the challenges of producing a locally focused, daily news podcast.