Tom Lappas

Better News: How the Henrico Citizen grew its email list and reader revenue

In 2020, the Henrico Citizen experienced a problem many newsrooms were facing — businesses were slashing their advertising budget due to the pandemic. The Citizen needed to identify a new source of revenue or go out of business.

Rather than fold the newspaper, owner and publisher Tom Lappas put his efforts into growing his online audience to generate new revenue. Thanks to this shift in focus, the Citizen added 9,000 email subscribers and generated $34,000 in reader revenue in just one year.

Lappas recently wrote a piece for Better News on how other news organizations can grow reader revenue and expand their email subscribers by focusing on the audience funnel. Lappas discusses that with host Michael O’Connell on this week’s Better News podcast. Read the full study.

The Better News podcast is a partnership between It’s All Journalism and the American Press Institute to a) showcase innovative/experimental ideas that emerge from the Knight-Lenfest Local News Transformation Fund and b) share replicable strategies and tactics that benefit the news industry as a whole. Sign up for the Better News newsletter to receive news about the latest resources, case studies, and insights. For more news about the IAJ podcast, sign up for the weekly IAJ newsletter.

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Jason Fraley is the entertainment editor at WTOP Radio in Washington, D.C.

340. Genre films continue to dominate box office in 2018

On this week’s It’s All Journalism podcast, producer Michael O’Connell welcomes WTOP entertainment editor Jason Fraley back to the podcast to discuss his Top 10 movies of 2018. They talk about some of the recent trends in the the film industry and which movies the public came out in droves to see.

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Michael Hainsworth

479. Digital melted mainstream media’s ice cream moment

Michael Hainsworth is a Toronto-based podcaster who left a 20-plus-year broadcast career to embrace all digital media has to offer. He talks with It’s All Journalism host Michael O’Connell about the fear mainstream media has for digital, why that’s a bad idea and how the ice cream moment has melted. 

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