Photo courtesy of Miranda Spivack

292. Where do college students get their news?

It all started last August when I met Miranda Spivack, an independent journalist and the Pulliam Distinguished Visiting Professor of Journalism at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. She’d just participated in a panel on government transparency at the Association of Alternative Newsmedia’s annual conference in Washington, D. C.

I invited Miranda to come on into the studio and record a podcast. We had a great conversation. In turn, she invited me to visit DePauw to talk to students about podcasting.

That’s how it is sometimes. One invitation leads to another.

So, on Monday morning, Feb. 5, I showed up at DePauw with my laptop and recording equipment, ready to spread the good word about podcasting.

I had a blast.

First up, I talked to eight of Miranda’s students about how to put a podcast together. They’d each gone out and interviewed their fellow students about “fake news.” I helped edit the interviews down to a six-minute podcast and posted it to the It’s All Journalism SoundCloud account.

Later in the day, I gave two presentations about launching a podcast and what makes a good podcast. During the second presentation, rather than do a Q&A, I turned the tables on the audience. I handed out wireless microphones and ask them: “Where do you get your news?”

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546. Gannett develops SMS strategy to text breaking news during Hurricane Ian

Jennifer Hefty, social and emerging platforms strategist for the USA Today Network, and Kara Chiles, senior vice president of consumer products for Gannett, talk to It’s All Journalism host Michael O’Connell about how they leveraged the SMS platform Subtext to text breaking news and public safety updates to their audience during Hurricane Ian.

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Kat Downs Mulder

Podcast Debut: Kat Downs Mulder livestream interview

It’s All Journalism host Michael O’Connell talks to Kat Downs Mulder, the former chief production officer and managing editor at The Washington Post. This interview originally aired Feb. 24, 2022 as a Facebook Live Event to commemorate IAJ’s 500th episode.

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333. Whose truth are journalists telling and why does it matter?

Journalists are dedicated to telling the truth, but whose? Stephanie Lepp, an independent artist and host of the Reckonings podcast, joins producer Michael O’Connell to discuss the difference between telling the truth and telling a broader, varied truth and why one truth won’t cover the whole story.

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