From top left, clockwise, Michael O'Connell, Amber Healy, Amelia Brust and Nicole Ogrysko

640. Here Goes Nothing. Here Goes Everything.

It’s like Christmas. You wait and wait and wait, but it never arrives fast enough. But when it finally does, something is wrong. The anticipation has vanished. You feel awkward and a little afraid.

This is not the way to start a post about the latest episode It’s All Journalism. But, as we are the “broccoli of media-focused podcasts,” it’s time for you to pick up a fork and eat your vegetables.

This week, the It’s All Journalism team discusses a new 10-part series featuring some of our favorite guests. Trust us. This is not an episode you should skip. Listen and find out why.

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536. Axios has a brief message for journalists

Mike Allen, co-founder of Politico and Axios, talks to It’s All Journalism host Michael O’Connell about the new book he co-authored with Jim VandeHei and Roy Schwartz: “Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less.”

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