Nick Rogers and Lou Harry, two of the contributors to The Quill's 110 journalism movie list.

110-Plus Best Journalism Movies List Revisited

We’re pleased to revisit the 10 most popular episodes of It’s All Journalism from 2021  as an end-of-the-year gift to our listeners. We’ve covered a lot of ground this year, with a focus on the ever-changing journalism landscape in terms of student press, unions and buyouts, and people who come to journalism and media from all walks of life and views on creativity.

Every year, we find a few podcasts that really stood out. This year, our second-most popular episode featured the ambitious list of 110 journalism movies as assembled by Quill Magazine and the Midwest Film Review to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the Society of Professional Journalists. Unsurprisingly, the list sparked a lively debate and the editors have added to it, with the total number of films listed now approaching 150. Quill editor Lou Harry was kind enough to provide us an update on the project.

Be sure to check back next week when we revisit our most popular episode of the year.

More Episodes

Shirley Halperin is the music editor at Variety.

481. How to cover a music industry changed by COVID-19

Shirley Halperin is the executive editor for music at Variety for both its online and print music coverage. She talks with It’s All Journalism host Michael O’Connell about covering all aspects of the music industry, how old-school journalism practices differ from the digital world and the way the music industry adapted to COVID-19. 

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287. That time of year when reporters count backwards

In the spirit of counting backwards, Jason Fraley, entertainment editor at WTOP in Washington, D.C., and the co-host of the Capital Culture podcast joined It’s All Journalism producer Michael O’Connell in studio to count down the top movies of 2017.

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330. Lawsuit against Trump aims to counter assault on free press

On this week’s It’s All Journalism podcast, host Michael O’Connell talks to Kristy Parker, legal counsel for the Protect Democracy Project, about the lawsuit her organization, PEN America and the Yale School Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic recently filed against President Donald Trump. They discuss why the three organizations think the president’s actions are not just out of the norm, but violations of the First Amendment.

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