Beth Hutson and Myron Pitts of The Fayetteville Observer

Better News: The Fayetteville Observer charts new course with Black audiences

As a more than 200-year-old institution, The Fayetteville Observer hasn’t always done right by Black residents in its coverage area.

Better News recently published a report about a new initiative at the Observer that uses partnerships and mobile newsrooms to help foster trust within the Black community and grow its audience.

The Observer’s lead editor, Beth Hutson, and opinion editor, Myron Pitts share all the details with Better News podcast host Michael O’Connell.

The Better News podcast is a partnership between It’s All Journalism and the American Press Institute to a) showcase innovative/experimental ideas that emerge from the Knight-Lenfest Local News Transformation Fund and b) share replicable strategies and tactics that benefit the news industry as a whole. Sign up for the Better News newsletter to receive news about the latest resources, case studies, and insights. For more news about the It’s All Journalism podcast and future episodes of Better News, sign up for the weekly IAJ newsletter.

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Michael Hainsworth

479. Digital melted mainstream media’s ice cream moment

Michael Hainsworth is a Toronto-based podcaster who left a 20-plus-year broadcast career to embrace all digital media has to offer. He talks with It’s All Journalism host Michael O’Connell about the fear mainstream media has for digital, why that’s a bad idea and how the ice cream moment has melted. 

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485. Trust.txt is a silent partner in legitimizing news organizations

Scott Yates is the founder of and Trust.txt, a tool news organizations can use to verify the legitimacy of their content and information. He talks with It’s All Journalism producer Michael O’Connell about how Trust.txt works, why it matters and how newspapers and publishers can join together to fight disinformation. 

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