

616. What does the next generation of investigative journalists need to know?

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Ted Bridis teaches investigative journalism to the next generation of media professionals at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications.

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615. INN helps newsrooms focus on their communities to grow revenue

Karen Rundlet became the new executive director and CEO of the Institute for Nonprofit News in January. She discusses how INN’s network of more than 450 independent news organizations across North America are connecting with their communities to generate a sustainable revenue stream.

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614. Arizona law empowers voters to see who is behind a political contribution

Elizabeth Shimek of the Campaign Legal Center explains how a law that 72 percent of Arizona voters voted for in 2022 brings transparency to the campaign finance process.

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613. The Commons aims to find common ground in a divided America

Drew Lindsay, a senior writer at The Chronicle of Philanthropy, leads The Commons, a new vertical focusing on the issue of polarization along the lines of political ideology, gender, income, race, geography, culture, and religion.

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612. ReNews helps revive, fund student-run media at HBCUs, HSIs

Executive Director Wesley Wright discusses the ReNews Project, which funds and/or provides professional assistance to revive dormant student newspapers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and at Hispanic-Serving Institutions.

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611. Budget neutral solution for funding community and ethnic media outlets

Maya Chupkov, media and democracy program manager at California Common Cause, discusses a recently passed resolution requiring government offices in San Francisco to spend at least half of their advertising and outreach budgets on community and ethnic media outlets.

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