Top 10 podcast episodes of 2020

Every New Year’s Day, we like to look back at the most popular episodes to see what topics and guests proved to be the most interesting to our listeners.

Here are the Top 10 episodes released by It’s All Journalism in 2020:

Public Narrative works to help newsrooms find stories they may be missing

Jhmira Alexander, president of Public Narrative, discusses the importance of educating community partners on how news works.

The more journalism and social media change, the more journalists are needed

Amy Eisman of American University’s School of Communication discusses how things have changed in ways large and small and why real, fact-based journalism has never been more important.

Critical thinking is an essential skill for journalists

Jonathan Haber, author of a new book by MIT Press, discusses how journalists can use critical thinking to improve their reporting.

What’s it like for a new journalist?

Sarah Ramantanis, an intern with World Vision Australia talks about the challenges facing new journalists and how she’s trying to make a name for herself.

Coronavirus is changing how newsrooms work

David Cohn and Mike Donoghue of The Alpha Group talk about how the coronavirus pandemic is altering the way newsrooms work.

America has a bad case of truth decay, according to new RAND report

Jennifer Kavanagh of RAND talks about her new book, Truth Decay: An Initial Exploration of the Diminishing Role of Facts and Analysis in American Public Life.

Data journalism in the age of coronavirus

Simon Rogers, a data journalism expert with the Google News Initiative, discusses how data journalism can help reporters find new ways to cover coronavirus.

Better News: How To Forge New Audiences Of Color

C.J. Benjamin, emerging audiences editor for the Democrat and Chronicle, discusses how the paper successfully developed a strategy to better engage a younger and more diverse audience.

Fake news, presidential deception and the Civil War

Elizabeth Mitchell, author of Lincoln’s Lie: A True Civil War Caper Through Fake News, Wall Street and the White House, talks about the interview process and how 1864 is more like 2020 than most people realize.

Movement journalism: A way to report on injustice

Tina Vasquez explains how movement journalism can help reporters present stories about marginalized and underserved communities.

More Episodes

316. How much greater could your Facebook reach be?

Emily Ristow, social media and mobile editor for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, joins producer Michael O’Connell to discuss the straightforward approach her team applied to expanding their social media reach, developing a strategy based on good old-fashioned research.

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