Season 7

These are the It’s All Journalism episodes and blog posts published in 2019.

IAJ’s Top 10 Episodes of 2019

Every December, we take a look back at the top 10 episodes of the year and try to glean something of value from the examination. It’s not just for fun. Maybe we can learn something about what subjects our listeners are most interested in. In 2019, the topics varied from young journalists learning how to…

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389. Learning from, and protecting, young journalists around the world

Independent journalist Jennifer Karchmer joins producer Michael O’Connell to discuss the importance of international travel for reporters and the New Voices initiative, which works to ensure student journalists are fully protected by the First Amendment.

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388. Who wants to own their own newspaper? NewStart’s here to help

What happens when a newspaper owner is ready to retire and there’s no one in line to take over?  “As I go around the country and talk to different people at weekly and small daily papers, we’re finding there’s no succession plan at these papers,” said Jim Iovino of West Virginia University.  To help keep…

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387. Lead reporter in Sandusky case now investigating barriers in school data reporting

Why are some educators better than others at gathering and supplying data about their institutions or students to the press? Whose privacy is protected by barriers to school data reporting: the students’ or the schools’? Sara Ganim, a former CNN investigative reporter, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is trying answer these questions through a Hearst…

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5 Tips For Starting A New Podcast

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in…

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386. NewsMatch, INN and good news for independent, investigative news

In the past few years, the attacks on journalism – and journalists – have increased. But so too have donations to independent, investigative news organizations, thanks in part to the efforts of NewsMatch. “People are starting to look for news they can trust,” says Sue Cross, the executive director and CEO for the Institute for…

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