633. AI tests media industry’s ability to add value to the information ecosystem

Klaudia Jaźwińska and Pete Brown of the Tow Center for Digital journalism at Columbia University, discuss the Platforms and Publishers project, which seeks to promote mutual understanding of how...


632. How choice can skew the public’s understanding of what is real and what is fake

David Rothschild, an economist at Microsoft Research, is one of the people behind the Media Bias Detector Project, which “Tracks and classifies the top stories published by a collection...


630. The City uses impactful, mission-oriented journalism to cover New York City

Nic Dawes, executive director of The City, discuses how the independent, nonprofit newsroom fills the gap in local news coverage of New York City, following the closures or shrinkage...


629. How digital video is becoming the go-to platform for delivering local news

Fran Wills, CEO of the Local Media Consortium, discusses how digital video has become the go-to news and information source for a growing number of people and what that means...


628. Informed debate is reporting that spurs conversation: Carrie Melago

Carrie Melago discusses how Chalkbeat, the education-focused, local newsroom, tracks impact rather than just chasing clicks.


627. How peer support can help journalists facing online abuse and secondary trauma

Viktorya Vilk and Jeje Mohamed wrote a report for PEN America with Columbia University’s Susan McGregor that focused on using peer support to reduce harm and increase resilience against...


Featured Guests

“I’m not saying we forget the lessons we learned in print or that we abandon the good value that was created.” 

“The heavy reliance on law enforcement to tell these narratives is really problematic. Their reports are inaccurate.”

“Here in Israel, I can be my whole full self and I can be a journalist and I can also be a Jew, it’s just my lifestyle.”

“Such a simple observation really made me reconsider every image of every person I had ever taken up to that point.”

Better News

Better News: The Coloradoan partners with university to foster public discourse, increase engagement

Eric Larsen, The Coloradoan’s executive editor, recently wrote a report for Better News about how a partnership with Colorado State University's Center for Public Deliberation reenergized the newspaper's opinion...


Better News: Louisville Public Media makes news for and with its Black audiences

Better News podcast host Michael O'Connell talks to Louisville Public Media's vice president of content, Gabrielle Jones, about LPM's new approach to covering the news for and with its...


Better News: The Fayetteville Observer charts new course with Black audiences

Editors Beth Hutson and Myron Pitts discuss The Fayetteville Observer's new initiative to restore trust and better engage its Black readers.


Better News: How a ‘substantial lifestyle’ inspires and uplifts Black audiences

Greg Hedgepeth, president and CEO of Substantial Media LLC, shares strategies Substantial has used to grow its audience and connect with the Black community.


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